Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Dear girl child

Are you pushing on my belly button with you head? It hurts almost all the time. You have plenty of room, why do you think you need to pop my belly button out? You don't need that little inch of space. 

Ow ow, do you somehow realize I am writing about you? It feels like you are pinching me. 

...if you need the inch of space take it. Mommys just complaining. Love you baby girl.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I am so bad at this. 20 Weeks, and barely any posts!!

Actually 21 weeks today, it's going so fast that I forgot. Geezy peetz.

We are having a...

Isn't that nuts?! I don't even know how to prepare except for maybe get pink stuff. 

Molly Kay is her name, and she is going to be spoiled, and I have no idea where we will put her toys. There is literally no room..anywhere in the house.

Soooo, I am as large as a hippo. Not really, maybe as large as a pot belly pig. I was laying in the tub, and my belly is hard where my uterus is but above that is still belly, and it's soft. I couldn't figure out why...until I realized that my uterus was so big, that it had to move my organs around to make room....the soft part of belly is my organs....

I don't know what to do with that information, except to tell EVERYONE.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

We have movement!

Yesterday I was wearing pants that were a little tight...that would be all my pants. I don't wear pants much anymore. Not that I'm going around naked, just that I wear a lot of dresses now.
Movement! That's what I was getting at! So my pants were tight on my waist, and they get even tighter when I sit down. I sat down at work, and the little babe kicked at my waist line. As if to say "hey! There's less room here!"
Hehe how fun. Tiny little baby kicks

Monday, June 29, 2015

Holy Crap!!!!!

I'm in the second trimester! Oh man, that happened so fast. Geezy peetz what is going on. Tell you what, I am still nausea, still tired and showing like I am twenty weeks already.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

So your mom is a Star Wars fan

Originally when I made 'The Preggys' blog over three years ago, it was to have somewhere to complain with other moms to be. Well no other moms to be ever showed up, but what did happen was it turned into a very realistic journal for my pregnancy with my son. And I look back on it and realize its something I want to be able to share with all my future children. So I start this blog around the same time in my pregnancy that I start the one for Michael Jr, I am 10 weeks 6 days preggo.

So two things right away (prolly more than that):

1) the title sounds like a Star Wars movie (and if you didn't know that then something has gone wrong in your life). Not only in December will I have a baby but they are also releasing a remake of the first Star Wars movie! I won't hold it against my sweet babe if their arrival into the world makes it so I can't go to the premiere of the movie...well actually I might hold a very tiny grudge. Maybe the new babe can come with me!! That doesn't seem too crazy right?? Right?

2) This baby is not the second baby, this is the third. This may seem like a strange concept to some of you, and to others they might be nodding their head without me having to explain it further. I was pregnant in between this pregnancy and Jr's, and I lost the baby at 8 weeks. You never really think it will happen to you until it does, and dear Lord in heaven I hope for those who are reading this, and haven't had this happen, never ever have to experience it. It broke my hubs and I, and it was a slow break too, because there was a hopeful time. Hope makes it hurt worse, but you can't help it, you kinda need it. 
When I found out I was pregnant this time, I was very VERY scared. I spent the first few hours of knowing in complete terror, but then I decided it wasn't fair to be that way the entire time. Not to the new baby. I decided to be happy, and hopeful, and if I was going to break again then fine. But I didn't, and my sweet baby is okay. We had an ultrasound that showed us the heartbeat and that the babe was two days ahead. This baby is coming in December 2015 :) 

SO this blog may be filled with a little more paranoia, and maybe less hormones, I am not feeling as crazy as I did with Jr's pregnancy. Which means it may not be as entertaining, but I will try.
Like really hard.